An Update from the BID Chairman, Peter Strachan

An Update from the BID Chairman, Peter Strachan

17th March 2022

Dear Business Colleagues

Firstly, I trust that you and yours are well and your businesses are hopefully going in the right direction. Whilst our thoughts at the moment are very much with the people of Ukraine and we acknowledge that Covid restrictions are still with us, I was heartened by the number of people out and about in Inverness this week.

I’m taking the opportunity this morning to update you on developments in the BID team.

Mike Evans, our recently appointed Chief Executive, has advised the Board that he wishes to stand down for personal reasons.

The Board acknowledges and respects Mike’s decision and conveys its best wishes to Mike for his future endeavours.

From my own viewpoint, as Chairman of BID, I understand and respect Mike’s decision and wish him well personally for the future.

A recruitment process will commence shortly to find Mike’s successor.

In the meantime, I am very grateful to Mike Smith, our former BID Manager, who has kindly agreed to continue to lead on BID’s major events and activities in his role as advisor to the Board. I know we can count on Mike and the BID team to keep things moving forward over the coming weeks.


Peter Strachan
Inverness BID

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