Inverness BID Area 

The City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) takes in the heart of Inverness Old Town Centre, covering over 700 separate rateable properties (or ‘hereditaments’) including a mix of retail, office, leisure and other commercial uses.

It extends from Eastgate Shopping Centre in the East to Bank Street at the Ness Riverside in the West, from Castle Street to High Street in the South and up Friar’s Lane in the North. It also covers businesses in Academy Street, Church Street, School Lane, Post Office Avenue, Rose Street, Margaret Street, Strothers Lane, Railway Terrace, Queensgate, Union Street, Fraser Street, Bank Lane, Bridge Street, High Street, Eastgate, Inglis Street, Stephen’s Brae, Market Brae, Millburn Road, Falcon Square, Station Square, Drummond Street, Lombard Street and Baron Taylor’s Street.

The BID boundary therefore incorporates the main tourism attractions, retail areas, Inverness Railway Station and a number of Council-owned properties including The Highland Council and the Town House. The BID boundary is illustrated on the map below.

Inverness Bid Area

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