Celebrating the 2018 Inverness City Centre Floral Displays

Celebrating the 2018 Inverness City Centre Floral Displays

Celebrating The 2018 Inverness City Centre Floral Displays

Inverness BID Manager Mike Smith said “We are delighted to continue to receive so many positive comments from residents, visitors and businesses alike as to the blaze of colour that this year’s 750 floral displays gives to the city centre. 

Maintaining the quality of the displays has been a challenge this year given the wet and windy weather when the displays were at their most fragile, when they went out at the beginning of June. And of course more recently we have had to overcome the extremely dry conditions over the past month. Particular credit should be given to the watering crew who have been out on a nightly basis in the past month.

Since BID was formed in 2008 we have co-ordinated of the annual floral project working in partnership with the Inverness Common Good Fund (the main funders of the project) and High Life Highland’s staff at the Botanical Gardens are responsible creating and maintaining the wonderful displays.”

Provost of Inverness Area Cllr Helen Carmichael said: “Inverness Councillors are delighted to support the creation of the floral displays in our city centre through the provision of £57,800 Inverness Common Good Funding to Inverness BID’s project.  

While Inverness is a naturally attractive city centre with the River Ness and stunning environment, the addition of summer floral displays provides a stunning display for visitors and locals during our main tourist season.”

Ian Murray Chief Executive of High Life Highland said “We are delighted to be able to continue supporting the floral project again this year by growing the plants in the nursery at Inverness Botanic gardens. The results on display in the beautiful summer hanging baskets across the city are fantastic, providing colour and enhancing the city for visitors and residents.” 

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