Inverness BID launches 5 year Business Plan

Inverness BID launches 5 year Business Plan

The Inverness City Centre Business Improvement District today (6.2.18) launched its 5 year Business Plan for a third term 2018-2023 which will be circulated to 632 city centre businesses (liable to pay BID levy) by the Highland Council on Thursday 8th February along with voting papers for the Renewal Ballot. Download a copy of the Business Plan HERE

Drawing together four key themes which have been designed to address the needs of the city centre businesses, the plan builds on BID’s very successful current term which expires at the end of March this year.

The key themes were developed after a consultation with all the city centre businesses in Autumn 2017.

At that time 94% of the businesses that responded to the consultation said they would support a new BID term in the forthcoming ballot.

The four key themes in the BID Business Plan 2018-23 are:

Marketing the City Centre – attracting people to a vibrant and thriving City Centre

Enhancing the City Centre – improving the Inverness experience for visitors & residents alike

Engaging & Championing the City Centre – working as a strong voice for businesses and,

Safe & Welcoming City Centre – making sure that the BID Area is viewed as Safe and Secure

Business Improvement Districts have a maximum project term of 5 years but can be extended by a formal ballot of levy paying businesses. Organised by the Highland Council the ballot runs from 8th February to 22nd March with the result being announced on Friday 23rd March.

Speaking about the launch of the Business Plan, BID Chairman Peter Strachan said,

“The Inverness BID Board is pleased to present our exciting new Business Plan for the next 5 year term. The plan is the result of an extensive consultation with our city centre businesses and really reflects their views on what they are looking for BID to do in the next term building on our successes and ensuring that Inverness is a great place to visit and do business.

I’m delighted that the Highland Council has endorsed the plan and will be voting in favour of a further 5 year term in the Ballot.

On behalf of the BID Directors I look forward to the opportunity for BID to be extended and to deliver on the key themes into the next term.”

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